Dandle•LION Medical is Proud to Present

Using Quality Improvement as a Change Mechanism for Improving Developmental Positioning in NICU

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Dr. Elizabeth Jeanson, PT, DPT, DCS, NTMTC, CNT

Our Speaker:

Dr. Elizabeth Jeanson, PT, DPT, DCS, NTMTC, CNT

Dr. Elizabeth Jeanson currently serves as the Developmental Specialist in Neonatal Intensive Care at Sanford/USD Medical Center. As the developmental specialist and PT, her responsibilities include direct patient care, developmental care programming and policy, staff, family and community education, quality improvement and organization of the neonatal therapy team.  Elizabeth completed NIDCAP training and Infant Behavioral Assessment certification. She is NNNS and  Neonatal Touch and Massage Therapy certified.  She is a certified neonatal therapist. Dr. Jeanson has presented nationally on topics including sensory development of preterm infants, positioning of infants in NICU, non-pharmacologic pain management for preterm infants, change process and quality improvement,  Infant Driven Feeding-TM Implementation, as well as team building and strategic planning for multidisciplinary teams. She published, One to One Bedside Nurse Education as a Means to Improve Positioning Consistency in 2013. Elizabeth’s passion is improving the outcomes of premature infants through evidence based practice, family support and staff education.

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